Slogans and Sayings


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Autismquotes and slogans 

In this post I have gathered together some useful one-liners and quotes promoting Autism Awareness 

Define autism? Imagination transcending a strait-jacket. 

If knowledge is power, then self-knowledge is more powerful still. Know thyself! 

I didn’t change, I just found myself. 

Believe in yourself, you are smarter and stronger than you may know. 

That’s cool. Some of my best friends are normal. 

Autism is not a contagion, ignorance is. 

Autism speaks to those who listen. 

Don’t beware, be aware. 

Be aware, be understanding. 

We live in your world, but play in ours. 

Each person is unique, each person is to be valued. 

You don’t fight against autism, you work with it. 

Always Unique Truly Interesting Sometimes Mysterious. 

Being Different can be a Good Thing. 

I am a person, not a puzzle. 

Solving the puzzle, one piece at a time, at my own pace and in my own space. 

Autistic rights are human rights. 

Autism is not a disability, it’s a different ability. 

Diffability not disability!

Different is not Broken. 

Embrace Differences. 

I am autistic. I need understanding, not a cure. 

 You are no better than the next person, and noworse, either.  

Don’t underestimate your talents by comparing yourself with others. 

Not better, not worse, just different.  

You laugh because I’m different. I laugh because you’re the same. 

Saying nothing is not the same as having nothing to say. 

Just because I don’t talk doesn’t mean I don’t understand. 

Autism is not a tragedy… people’s reaction to autism is. 

Autism is seeing the world from a different angle. 

I may not make eye contact but at least I don’t stare. 

I am not rude, hyper, or weird. I have autism. What’s your excuse? 

April is Autism Awareness Month, For those with autism and for their family and friends, it’s all year round. 

Autism acceptance is action. 

Autism is an extremely variable condition. 

Autism Awareness: Help put back the missing pieces. 

If you think my hands are full, you should have my heart.  



“While we try to teach our children all aboutlife, our children teach us what life is all about.” 

“Autism is as much a part of humanity as is the capacity to dream.” 

“Connection is what moves this world forward. Connection is a profound human experience,” 

“Only connect.” 

“I want Elijah to know that he is loved just the way he is,” 

“Autism is part of my child. It’s not everything he is. My child is so much more than a diagnosis” 

“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible,” 

“It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a child with autism to raise the consciousness of the village.” 

“We contain the shapes of trees and the movement of rivers and stars within us,” 

“If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism.” 

“Our duty in autism is not to cure but to relieve suffering and to maximize each person’s potential.” 

“Even for parents of children who are not on the spectrum, there is no such thing as a normal child.” 

“Autism doesn’t come with a manual. It comes with a parent who never gives up.” 

“Children with autism are colourful - they are often beautiful, and like the rainbow, they stand out.” 

“I see people with Asperger’s syndrome as a bright thread in the rich tapestry of life.” 

“Disability doesn’t make you exceptional, but questioning what you think you know about it does.” 

“We need to embrace those who are different and the bullies need to be the ones who get off the bus,” 

“They say sociopaths are dangerous because they know the subtleties of social interaction better than most people and they use this knowledge to use and exploit people. Well, it seems to me that people with Asperger’s are the opposite of sociopaths.” 

“Autism offers a chance for us to glimpse an awe-filled vision of the world that might otherwise pass us by.” 

“Although people with autism look like other people physically, we are in fact very different .. We are more like travellers from the distant, distant past. And if, by our being here, we could help the people of the world remember what truly matters for the Earth, that might give us quiet pleasure.” (Naoki Higashida, The Reason I Jump).  

“Autism is as much a part of humanity as is the capacity to dream.” (Kathleen Seidel). 

“By holding the highest vision for your child when they cannot see it for themselves, you are lifting them up, elevating them and helping them to soar,” 

”A child with autism is not ignoring you, they are simply waiting for you to enter their world.” 

“Since understanding and accommodation are outside of our locus of control, we can focus on our own coping mechanisms. This allows us to experience and process much more information and see patterns before others.” (Joe Biel) 

“Autism is really more of a difference to be worked with rather than a monolithic enemy that needs to be slain or

“[So-called] mild autism doesn’t mean one experiences autism mildly … It means YOU experience their autism mildly. You may not know how hard they’ve had to work to get to the level they are.” (Adam Walton). 

“A child with autism is not ignoring you, they are simply waiting for you to enter their world.” 

“Do not fear people with Autism, embrace them.  Do not spite people with Autism, unite them.  Do not deny people with Autism, accept them forthen their abilities will shine.” 

“Disability? Aspergers are more likely than others to: 

  • think outside the box 
  • resist peer pressure 
  • overcome childhood indoctrination 
  • make important discoveries and inventions. 

How disabled is that?” 

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with a problem longer.” (Einstein). 

“Think of it: a disability is usually defined in terms of what is missing … But autism .. is as much about what is abundant as what is missing, an over-expression of the very traits that make our species unique.” (Paul Collins, Not even Wrong:Adventures in Autism).  

“People with autism … do not lie, do not judge, do not play mind games. Maybe we can learn something from them.” 

“Autism is about having a pure heart and being very sensitive … It is about finding a way to survive in an overwhelming, confusing world .. It is about developing differently, in a different pace and with different leaps.” (Trisha Van Berkel).  

“Social disability does not begin to sum up my lifelong history of insomnia, anxiety, depression, cluelessness and isolation … Nor, in all modesty, does it address the singleminded, fiercely exclusive energy I can bring to a project that has captured my attention, the immersion in an otherworldly ecstasy that music, writing, and film provide, and the very occasional but no less profound joy in my own strangeness.” (Tim Page).