Autism is Not Stupidity

· autism,autism spectrum
broken image



Don't get me started on this one.
I spent eight months in dispute with my energy company. I didn't have readings to begin with, so they hit me with estimates of gas and electricity. They were way over my usual figures. I run a very tight ship. I challenged them, they insisted on phone calls, which I positively loathe. They blinded me with figures I didn't understand, apart from instinctively knowing they were wrong. I explained I was autistic and needed help and guidance here. Rather than listen, take, and respond to the points I was making, they just repeated the same figures over again, only slowly, as I were stupid, backed with letters threatening my credit rating, fines, and legal action. My reference to autism was taken to mean a confession of stupidity on my part. They found otherwise. I got the bills reduced by two thirds and compensation for 'harassment.' But it took the intervention of a Welsh warrior woman called Ceinwen at Warm Wales to get this company to finally back off. I was actually right in the objections I raised and should have been listened to. They only listened when a non-autistic person intervened on my behalf. That is evidence of a prejudice against autistic people, a presumption that autistic people are stupid. I should sue the pants off them. That was a waste of time and energy lasting eight months (and I still feel drained).