Stress is No Problem?

· stress and autism,anxiety and autism,autism
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It's the humour of the people on the autism pages that keeps my spirits high on here. It's like living in a parallel universe. I go to the AS pages to see what people who know what they are talking about, then I come back to know-alls on FB.

I swear that if I see just one more FB psychologist assert that "you don't gain anything by stress / anxiety" "stress / anxiety changes nothing" I will not be responsible for my actions.

It's tantamount to telling people who suffer from chronic anxiety that they are worrying about nothing and are responsible for their own misfortune. It's like solving a problem by denying it.

Translate that advice into an autistic situation in which people are trying to negotiate the world without internal editors and filters and you see how stupid it is.

Plus it's not strictly true in any case. I did two anxiety courses and learned that there is such a thing as good stress, the stress which alerts the mind and body to take actions that are wise to take. If a lion jumps out at you from behind a bush, good stress has you making the effort to flee.

The trick to anxiety is not to fight it but to skillfully work with it, ground it, deflect it, channel it.

Resistance only amplifies it.

As for FB, I am patting myself on the back for resisting the temptation, for the umpteenth time, to 'educate' the amateur psychologists. They think themselves high on the mountain top when they are not even at base camp.

AS humour is my go-to place. It saves me from having to tell neurotypicals how little they know.