Speak Up, Stand Up, Stand Out

· autism,autism spectrum
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Speak Up, Stand Up, Stand Out

Rather than attempt to be all things to all people, merely to be accepted have company, have the courage and the confidence to be yourself. It doesn't matter if you have to go it alone; if you water yourself down to appease others, you will still be alone, only with others who don't give a damn about your true authentic self. They like what they like, and like others insofar as they play along. Avoid the hook and the trap; accept the role of being your own true self and be prepared to lead the way to where you need to be. People who are worthy of your time and talent will find you and heed you. A lot of people don't want to hear the truth; they like comforting illusions. Keep questioning, cleave to your authentic self. The right people will appreciate it.