Doin' the Best I Can

Whenever 'life' causes you to question yourself - whenever people make you the author of your own predicament - tell yourself this:

I am not successful in spite of my autism, I am successful in spite of people constantly telling me I am doing it wrong, when I'm actually doing the very best I can in circumstances in which there is no help, or the only help is conditional on the advice of people constantly telling me I am doing it wrong.


In the words of the Elvis song, I'm 'doin' the best I can,' which is a whole lot better than others who know next to nothing, and yet feel the need to give you the benefit of their ignorance.

What works for others won't necessarily work for you - you are not 'other people.'


Resist the aneurotypical urge to explain more and explain better when you meet with uncomprehending others. Go over what you have said to see if you have expressed your thoughts well. And when you are sure you have been crystal clear in expressing your view, stop explaining. When you are as clear as you can be, there is no 'better,' and no need for any 'more.'

When you have reached the point of 'enough,' stop. Beyond that point only frustration in face of continued incomprehension awaits you. You have reached your threshold. It is for others to make the extra effort. Those who have a genuine concern will make the effort. Those who don't, won't. Those people will drain your energies and break your spirit. Avoid them.


Once you expressed yourself as well as you can, there is no need for further explanation.

As Elvis also sang, 'Once is Enough.'