Concrete Particulars

· autism
broken image

Concrete Particulars


I don't care for generalities, banalities, platitudes, and inanities.

"I believe in all nice things." Who doesn't?

The world will as one of only everyone agreed.

On what?

I'm interested in the details. The universal is always but always manifested in concrete particulars.

I see the particulars. I see a lot of them. I see the world in colours and sounds, the widest array. It's vivid indeed, but not too chaotic - for the reason that I see the world as interconnected in all parts.


The people who love generalities, banalities, platitudes, and inanities are monotone, bland, attuned to the flatlands.

These are people who tend to see autism as a disability!

They have neither ears to hear nor eyes to see, and have the temerity to think it is autistic people who are deficient or lacking.